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Website Development

Web Designing & Development Website design and development is the process of creating a website that meets the needs of a business or organization. The process involves creating a plan, designing a website, writing the code, testing the website, and launching it. It also includes website maintenance and updates to ensure the website remains up-to-date […]
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Mobile App Development

Mobile App Development Mobile app development is the process of creating software applications that run on a mobile device, such as a smartphone, tablet, or wearable. These applications can be pre-installed on phones during manufacture, downloaded by customers from various mobile software distribution platforms, or web applications delivered over the Internet. Mobile apps are designed […]
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IT Consultancy

IT Consultancy IT consultancy services are specialized services provided by IT professionals who are skilled and experienced in the field of information technology. They provide advice and guidance to clients on how to best utilize their IT resources, while also helping them to identify any potential risks associated with the use of their systems. These […]
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AMC for IT Management

AMC for IT Management The acronym AMC stands for Application Management Center. An Application Management Center (AMC) is an IT service center responsible for managing the applications and services within an organization. It is responsible for the overall performance, security, and compliance of the applications and services. It also provides support for users, troubleshooting, and […]
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CCTV Camera

CCTV Camera A CCTV camera is a type of surveillance camera that is used to monitor an area by transmitting video to a specific place. CCTV cameras are typically used in public and private spaces to deter crime and provide visual evidence of any wrongdoing. They are often connected to a recording device or a […]
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Laptops/Desktops Laptop and desktop management is the process of managing the hardware and software of computers. This includes installing, configuring, troubleshooting, repairing, and upgrading hardware and software components. It also involves maintaining the security of the computers and ensuring that the latest updates and software patches are applied. The goal of laptop and desktop management […]
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Software/Hardware Software management is the process of acquiring, installing, upgrading, and maintaining software applications. It involves planning, tracking, and controlling software purchases, licensing, installation, and usage. Hardware management is the process of managing, monitoring, and maintaining an organization’s hardware resources. It involves planning for, purchasing, and installing new hardware, as well as troubleshooting, maintaining, and […]
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